100 word challenge

I woke up one morning and found a large,shiny,purple box on my kitchen counter.It had a neatly tied pink,silk bow on top to hold the lid closed.It was a mystery box and nobody knew what was inside.Scott thought it was a big birthday cake but it couldn’t be because his was months ago. Gemma had a guess that it was a barbie toy car.The box started to wobble about, the lid rattled and there was a scratching and rustling noise coming from inside.It was now a scary box but we decided to open it and were glad to see it was only a furry hamster in a cage with some straw.It wasn’t a scary box any more.

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I am going to use this blog to tell you about my Learning Journey. I’ll add all my achievements from inside and outside school.  I’ll also add some news about what’s happening in my life. Click on the ‘Categories’ section in my sidebar to find out more.